 | Dark Spot syndrome Dark brown spots that often enlarge creating a circular dark band with dead coral in the middle. Similar to yellow band yet not as progressive. Most often seen on Montastrea faveolata and Siderastrea siderea colonies.
|  | Early Black-band treatment 1992 These are some of the first images captured by Reef Relief, They document each coral colony that we applied Dr. Harold Hudsons Black-band eradication method to. Of note are the vast number of coral colonies affected by the disease. This was the beginning of the end of living coral on Key Wests offshore reefs.
|  | Montastrea cavernosa under stress During the mid 1990s the polyps of many Montastrea cavernosa colonies on Sand key reef were observed in various stages of inflation, deflation and exhibiting unusual color patterns. A puss like substance was also observed being expelled from several polyps. Monitoring these coral colonies over time revealed a high degree of polyp mortality.